Sync into the Season: Spring Clean(s)ing Workshop

Sync into the Season: Spring Clean(s)ing Workshop


Spring is a time for cleansing + renewal - a season of rebirth. 

Join clinical herbalist, Nasya Camacho, for an inspiring and fun-filled workshop where we will celebrate the vibrant energy of the season. Nasya will explore the processes of detoxification and action through intention setting, a short breathing practice, and engaging with springtime plants. As a collective we'll chat over tea breaking down the elements of spring through the herbalist lens - weaving in food, herbs + practices to best support you through this seasonal change. 

For an extra special treat, we'll create our own herbal vinegar with liver supporting herbs to take home and enjoy! All herbs and materials will be provided - bring a notebook to nerd out and an open heart to connect with community through the reemergence of this season.

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